Catholic Men Chicago Southland
"Living the Goodness of a Catholic Man"
What We Believe
Since 2004, Catholic Men Chicago Southland (CMCS) has reminded men and helped them to do what is in their power to do, namely, be holy and courageous men, to improve their marriages, be better fathers to their children, grow in virtue, serve the needs of others more generously, be active participants in their parishes, and be better citizens.
CMCS has a practical way of evangelizing Catholic men young and old, and their families, of helping them to understand what the culture often rejects – how men and women should relate to one another in complementary ways and how important husbands and fathers are to children.
The CMCS Mission: Catholic Men Chicago Southland fosters Catholic Men in personal holiness, to make Jesus Christ the center of our daily lives. CMCS is a Catholic Apostolate of Very Rev. Lawerence Sullivan, Interim Vicar, and is founded by Most Reverend Emeritus Joseph N. Perry, Deacon John Rangel, and (Executive Director) Frank J Casella.
Chicago Catholic Men's Resources
An initiative of Catholic Men Chicago Southland (CMCS)
Men's Forum
Annually on the Saturday after Easter Sunday - A morning to nurture Catholic men on their spiritual journey
CMCSMen Blog
Short videos about the fundamentals of Catholic Manhood from Frank J Casella, CMCS Co-founder & Executive Director - 'Living the Goodness of a Catholic Man'.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support of Catholic Men Chicago Southland.
Together with you in Christ, we foster Catholic Men.

Bishop Emeritus
Joseph N Perry
Frank J Casella
Co-Founder and Executive Director